Class Procedures

Please take the time to review each of the different policies and guidelines that will help you be more productive in class.

Computer Lab Rules
It is important that these rules listed below be followed by every student taking Graphic Arts.
Keep your computer work station and lab CLEAN at all times
Respect each other & equipment (Teachers, Students, Computers...)
Always follow directions, especially when it involves saving your work and working with the computeers.
All electronic devices must remain off and out of sight (Phones, iPods, etc…)
Certain websites are off limits during class time (Facebook, Twitter, and other distracting websites).
Save all work and log off at the end of each class (Very Important).
Please refer to your student handbook for further Salem rules, policies, and procedures.
No food or drink is permitted in the Graphic Arts lab!
Daily Procedures
Please follow these steps as you enter the class and begin your work.
Class will begin on time, please make every effort to be in your seat when the bell rings.
Students will sit in assigned seats during class attendance. Computers are assigned to students at the beginning of the semester.
Clear computer work station of book bags & other distractions. Please keep all book bags and backpacks under your desk.
Log into your student computer and begin working on any unfinished assignments.
Access your student folder and prepare yourself by opening any documents or programs needed for Graphic Arts.
Notify Mr. Wallace when you are having a problem with a specific program or computer.
All students when leaving or arriving to Graphic Arts will need to make an E-Hall pass.
Bathroom Privileges
It is important to use the restroom before coming to class.
Students with emergencies will be allowed to leave class to use use the bathroom.
Do not ask the use the bathroom unless it is an emergency.
Student that abuse the bathroom privilege will not be allowed to go.
Graphic Arts is not the time/place to use the bathroom each day, students that ask often will not be allowed to use the bathroom during class time.
All students need to make an E-Hall pass when going to the bathroom.
Student Responsibilities
These are items that you already know and do on a daily basis, but is good to review again.
Students are to bring the proper tools and materials to class each day (Pencil, Paper, Agenda, etc…)
All home work that is given is to be completed before class begins (Review Calendar for Due Dates).
Assignments should be completed and turned in using the proper folders and document names/extensions.
All work is your own and should be completed as specified by the project outline.
Any missing assignments or projects must be turned in. It is the responsibility of the student to verify any missing assignments and make arrangements with Mr. Wallace concerning make up work.
Missing Work
If you are absent during Graphic Arts, it is important that you review the calendar for any missing assignments or speak with Mr. Wallace.
Remember, It is up to you (The Student) to make up any missed work.
Come in before school starts, yes this means waking up earlier.
Work during my planning period or study hall.
Work at home (SHS Adobe Account). Be sure to ask Mr. Wallace first before starting any project, there may be some compatibility issues between program releases.
Project Redo
It is important to note that any assignment in Graphic Arts can be re-done.
Students can redo any project.
Before school, during my planning period, and study hall.
Same but different project. The project should be the same but the concept and artwork will need to be different.
Any redo work completed for consideration will have to be an improvement before it can replace the existing grade.
Any redo will need to be completed before the end of the grading period.
Before starting any redo work, be sure to let Mr. Wallace know ahead of time.
Review your progress. It is important to show Mr. Wallace your progress of any redo work you want to submit for a grade.
Behavior in Class
Students are responsible for their actions and performance in class.
Viewing distracting websites: Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, and other social media sites.
Wasting class time.
Not coming prepared to class (Notebook, pencil, homework, and other materials).
Disruption in class and to other students.
Excessive tardiness, students needed to arrive to class on time.
Head down and sleeping in class.
Inappropriate speech and talking back to the teacher.
A written referral can be written based on student behavior at the teacher's discretion.
Extra Help
Assistance is available, ask Mr. Wallace if you need help with anything in class.
Talk to Mr. Wallace about your assignments, projects, and lessons.
Ask questions. Not sure what to do or you were absent, ask questions about assignments and projects.
Ask for help, that is why I'm here. Every student is different, so be proactive if you need some extra help.
Review the Think-Graphic-Arts website (lessons, tutorials, calendar, plus more).
Join the Graphic Arts Club and Photography Club. Get to know other students interested in the digital arts.
Make an appointment with Mr. Wallace for extra help time.
Important Advice
How to avoid falling behind on assignments and projects.
Class time is very important, DO NOT waste time in class by viewing distracting websites (Sports, Games, Social Media, and many others. This includes other teacher's class websites).
DO NOT DO OTHER WORK FOR ANOTHER CLASS! If you didn't finish work for another teacher or need to review for a test next class period (Math, Science, English, Spanish, German, ect...). Graphic Arts is NOT the place to makeup missed work for another class.
Yes, you might have to do work outside of class time.
Come to class. If you miss class, that means you are not working on your assignments. If you are sick or absent, it is important to speak with Mr. Wallace to get back on track.
Review the Calendar for any missing assignments or projects. It is important to know when assignments or projects are due.
Come in before school to work on assignments.
DO NOT ask to leave Graphic Arts to makeup a test or finish work from another class. This includes the library (printing).
DO NOT ask to go to the attendance office, even if you forgot to turn-in your note before school.
Do not procrastinate. Work on your assignments and projects when they are assigned. Starting a project the day before it is due will not be enough time.
Sit closer to the front screen, this means moving your chair and sitting near the front of the room.

Graphic Arts Club

A place where students can learn and discover topics about art, graphic design and Apple computers.

View Club Info.

Photography Club

A place where students can learn about digital photography, lighting, cameras, lenses and editing software.

View Club Info.